Friday, October 24, 2014

A Vegan Spouse?—My Response and Thoughts

I have met so many people lately it is crazy.
I also met my future mother in law—it's kinda a long story—but we'll share that later.
Or now.
Ok, so here I am at an LDS employment workshop and lo and behold, I meet another vegan.
Ya, so of course, I ask, " You have any sons?'
And she did ;) ...
There is no guarantee lol but there's hope :)
It is something I have definitely thought about lately and for some time now—that is, who will I marry? To whom will I spend the rest of my life with?
Will I marry a vegan?
The question stands open and waiting for response—response that I already know the answer to.
To be truly fully happy,...some things have to be the same in a relationship.
I have to the conclusion that while yes, opposites attract, some things have to be the same.
And it is my conclusion, that while it might prove difficult to find a Latter-day Saint vegan spouse, it is NOT impossible.
To say it is impossible is to tell God to His face, "I don't trust you, your power only has limits and cannot make itself manifest in my life."
I joke that I met my future mother-in-law, but the fact of the matter is this:
there are Mormon vegans out there, but more importantly, to lack faith in my future is to lack faith in God and His power to lead my life.
however silly that may seem

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Mt Grateful list 10/09/2014

My Future at times seems foggy. My past at times (more often lately) seems unbeautiful. But my future seems to hold brighter lights than does the present.

However, there is so much good going on in my life right now.
Hence, in the spirit of thanks giving, I would like to make a gratitude list.
Without further ado...
I am grateful for:
1) For friends that accept flaws
2) For rainy days (I love rain)
3) For odd jobs
4) Jobs without uniforms
5) Kind hearts
6) Sweet spirits
7) Deep-doctrinal conversations with friends
8) People that look past my flaws and see the person I am and can become, rather than seeing who I currently am—flaws and all.
9) Flowers
10) Color. I love color. A world without color is like a world without rainbows. A dark world. A world without happiness.
11) Forgiveness
12) Hope
13) Addiction Recovery
14) Peace
15) The Atonement
16) My laptop (Thanks, Dad :)
17) The Bank of Mom
18) Councilors
19) Academic Councilors
20) My councilor <3
21) FREE money
22) Joy
23) Peace of mind
24) Pinterest
26) The Sacrament
27) Repentance
28) Journals
29) Blogs
30) All my girls <3
31) All my guy friends :)
32) Secrets (Sacred ones/experiences)
33) Bananas
34) Watermelon
35) Boys (Sometimes I need a break from the girls ;)
36) Forgiving hearts
37) Open ears
38) Open hearts
39) Nonjudgmental souls
40) Family
41) Embarrassing moments. ha.
42) Knowledge
43) Libraries
44) Wifi
45) Free wifi
46) KALE
47) Fruit
48) VEGGIES!! :))
49) Puppies
50) Church
51) Social Media
52) My calling at church (Institute Prez)
53) All my councilors love you guys! :')
54) Institute
55) Friends that carpool
57) Sisters
58) Visiting Teachers
59) Home Teachers
61) Education
62) Poetry
63) Veganism
64) Legs to run
65) Pianos
66) Music
67) Understanding teachers
68) Utah
69) Salt Lake City Temple (I'm getting married here)
70) Rome Italy Temple (Or here)
71) Kansas City Missouri Temple (or possibly here, but I'm feeling Rome)
72) That I know what I want to be when I grow up (A Dermatologist)
73) MARY KAY (In more ways than one. THANK YOU)
74) Appreciation
75) Confidence
76) Sleep
77) Lazy days when I can wake up without anywhere to go and just stay home and get stuff done. Ya know?
78) Humility
79) Patience
80) Missions
82) All my wonderful friends out there preaching the Gospel.
83) Dez ;)
84) Appreciation of cultural differences
85) For all the car accidents I've survived
86) For surviving all of the "almost car accidents" incidents
87) President Priday
89) Tha Bishop's wife ( Wendy:)
90) My beautiful niece Melanie <3
91) My ADORABLE nephew :)
92) Empty nesters
93) Modern Technology
94) Loving hearts (looking past faults)
95) To live 30 minutes ( THIRTY MINUTES!!!!) away from a temple
97) Jokes (clean)
98) Jazz dance
99) Kind people willing to try my vegan meals :)
100) All LDS Temples :)

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Friday, 03 October 2014

New post!!! So much has happened this week...I don't even know where to start..
I'll start with today.
I'll start backwards.

So I am now writing in white so have no idea what this will look like until it is SO fun and ADVENTUROUS!! ;)
aNYWHO!! iT IS 2 a.m. AND I AM SITTING HERE, NOT BEcause (I stopped writing in white was annoying lol and lost my train of thought too quickly and forgot what I was warned, this is a "word vomit" blog post today)

Anyway..I am sitting here awake not because I can't sleep, but because my body just won't let me sleep..too much going on tmrw (tomorrow).

I'm sitting here texting my best BEST fran!! love you Dez! ;)

I'm sitting here thinking about all the many wonderful people I met this week through my Mary Kay business.

I'm sitting here tossing future job opportunities around in my head.

I am sitting here thinking about future career.

I am sitting here thinking. A nd it's now 3 A.M.