I've thought quite a bit about my future as of late—but I will save that for another time.
Today I want to talk (write) about something that is always on my mind.
Mary Kay.
Why do I do Mary Kay?—I mean really. Is it for extra income? The car? The discount?
The new friends? The trips?
While all those things sound nice, my main reason for doing Mary Kay today is different from when I first started.
I joined Mary Kay three years ago—right out of high school.
My friends thought I was crazy; my family thought I was high, no big deal, right?
When my parents saw my starter kit come in the mail they said send it back. But I couldn't. I loved Mary Kay (and still do) and would not trade my experiences and skills I've learned through Mary Kay for anything.
Maybe for some dates though...
and bananas! ;)
I really hope you guys were not thinking I was referring to these types of dates...
...or this...;)
No really though! Today!
Today I love Mary Kay because I enjoy and love every moment I can share with a woman (or man) the blessings of Mary Kay. I love enriching someone's life through my business in addition to sharing the opportunities and blessings my Mary Kay business has given to me. Continuing, I have passion for this business and sharing it with other people—ALL PEOPLE EVERYWHERE I GO! :) Truly though! If I have not offered you a Mary Kay facial yet, first let offer my apologies; and second, let me take this moment NOW to offer you a relaxing Mary Kay facial.
My rule of thumb is to give to all people everywhere who try and experience Mary Kay is to not only leave my presence happier than they were when we first encountered each other, but also to give to them all that Mary Kay has to offer.
One of my favorite parts of a facial is seeing their faces light up when they try Mary Kay—especially for the first time.
I love Mary Kay; it is my passion.
It is my "What Do You Think About When You Have Nothing to Think About."
My goal is to enrich every person I come in contact with, with this wonderful Dream Company.
Mary Kay has expanded my vision, increased my faith, and enlightened my future.
We were put on this earth to succeed, and in no means were designed "to fail at life," although sometimes we do fail.
So what are you waiting for? What are your dreams? What are your passions? What gets you going everyday?
Find that passion and SHARE IT WITH SOMEONE—for it is by sharing that we gain commitment of ourselves. And don't forget to write these things down because, "A dream not written down is just a wish."
Go out there and ROCK your own world! :)
I believe in you! ;)
No one can make possible and fulfill your dreams like you can.
So go.
...if things don't start happening,—make 'em [happen]!
mAkE iT a GrEaT dAy!!
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