Yesterday, my visiting teachers gave me a gift. They are both so wonderful (I love you girls!;])
Along with some notes, chocolate, candy canes, and a candle, Alyssa gave me a talk written by Dieter F. Uchtdorf titled "Point of Safe Return."
It was such a beautiful message of hope.
The Gospel brings so much peace to my heart and soul. I love it so much and I am so happy when I am closer to Father.
Recently I have learned how much I need the Atonement in my life. I think it is so easy to feel so broken at times—that we are not adding or measuring up to others' high standards, thus taking the blame upon ourselves.
The main thing I learned is the hope that the Atonement of Jesus Christ provides for us all—for me. It's kinda hard to grasp the fact that Someone is there waiting to accept you as you are—with open arms—willing and ready to help you change...And all you have to do is ask.
There are so many lies from the adversary that we cannot change or return to Father,..that we have gone too far..that the Atonement "is not for me," but rather for those who have made or committed "serious sins."
Sometimes the hardest and most difficult thing to do is ask for help, but when our focus is on Christ, and we have Godly sorrow, thing become more bearable.
I love this Gospel so so much and want to always live in a way to be worthy to Have His Spirit with me at all times.
Until next time,
with much love JT
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