Well,....it is a new post. And a new day. An update or two on my life within the past year:
I lost friends, but I gained even more.
I have done much thinking the last few months on where I want my life to go.
I got hired (something I struggled with in 2014 was finding a job at the same time as staying enrolled in school)
I got mostly out of debt except for a small lump I owe to my mother and a big HUUUUUUGE lump I owe to Obama. Haha, I mean, my student loans (Thanks, Obama).
If I could offer one piece of advice to the reader, it is this: know the direction you are wanting your life to go. This year is my year I plan to create financial freedom for me, for myself.
Until next time,
The Mormon Mary Kay Vegan
Wednesday, January 27, 2016
Friday, December 5, 2014
Ok, time to play "catch up"... I've MISSED A FEW DAYS!!!! But! I'm BaCk! ;)
So, a talk that I have been studying, (for this 30 day challenge I have been doing), really amazes me.
Like really.
Quite literally.
Years ago, when I was like graduating from high school (?) I heard this AMAZING talk about repentance and the Atonement in General Conference. It inspired me so much—in such a way to set my life in order.
The name of the talk? "The miracle of the Atonement," by C. Scott Grow.
Haha wait. Check out that name! :) Amazing huh? C. Scott Grow.
Continuing, this really hits home every time I read it, however, I just want to highlight one thing:
"We access the Atonement through repentance. When we repent, the Lord allows us to put the mistakes of the past behind us."
The Atonement is accessed through repentance and therefore, when we repent, we are actively using the Gift He soo graciously gave unto us.
We hear that quite a bit, huh?
I think it is quite easy to forget where our strengths come from...
and just as easy to forget that the Atonement is for everyone.
....And just as easy to forget that when I make a mistake, I must remind myself, to breathe.
To recognize that yes, while I made a mistake, I can start over.
To realize that repentance is a gift not a punishment.
That through repentance, I gain access to the Atonement.
And who would hold back on accessing such a blessing and gift?
Something else that came to mind while reading:
That while healing takes time, our healing begins once we turn to Him—whether we recognize it or not.
Until next time franz!!..
JT! :D
So, a talk that I have been studying, (for this 30 day challenge I have been doing), really amazes me.
Like really.
Quite literally.
Years ago, when I was like graduating from high school (?) I heard this AMAZING talk about repentance and the Atonement in General Conference. It inspired me so much—in such a way to set my life in order.
The name of the talk? "The miracle of the Atonement," by C. Scott Grow.
Haha wait. Check out that name! :) Amazing huh? C. Scott Grow.
Continuing, this really hits home every time I read it, however, I just want to highlight one thing:
"We access the Atonement through repentance. When we repent, the Lord allows us to put the mistakes of the past behind us."
The Atonement is accessed through repentance and therefore, when we repent, we are actively using the Gift He soo graciously gave unto us.
We hear that quite a bit, huh?
I think it is quite easy to forget where our strengths come from...
and just as easy to forget that the Atonement is for everyone.
....And just as easy to forget that when I make a mistake, I must remind myself, to breathe.
To recognize that yes, while I made a mistake, I can start over.
To realize that repentance is a gift not a punishment.
That through repentance, I gain access to the Atonement.
And who would hold back on accessing such a blessing and gift?
Something else that came to mind while reading:
That while healing takes time, our healing begins once we turn to Him—whether we recognize it or not.
Until next time franz!!..
JT! :D
Tuesday, December 2, 2014
Today, in my study of the Atonement of Jesus Christ, I learned about grace. I think I thought I would walk away understanding everything—or almost everything there is to know and understand about grace.
However, I was wrong. What I learned was this: that Christ does not make up a certain percentile (is that a word?)—He makes up the difference, the whole difference. The whole entire difference.
And that is where the question is asked, "Well if He has already done everything, then what do I have to do?
Good question. What do we have to do?
Well in his BYU address, Mr. Brad Wilcox states that while yes, Christ does make up the difference, we still must do our part ("For it is by grace that we are saved after all we can do"—I don't know the ref. guys. I'll be sure to find it later though. 2 Nephi..28:??....) ;)
"Christ asks us to show faith in Him, repent, make and keep covenants, receive the Holy Ghost, and endure to the end. By complying, we are not paying the demands of justice—not even the smallest part. Instead, we are showing appreciation for what Jesus Christ did by using it to live a life like His.
Justice requires immediate perfection or a punishment when we fall short. Because Jesus took that punishment, He can offer us the chance for ultimate perfection (see Matthew 5:48; 3 Nephi 12:48) and help us reach that goal. He can forgive what justice never could, and He can turn to us now with His own set of requirements (see 3 Nephi 28:35)."
To show appreciation and to show that we will live and lead a life patterned after His is why we are asked to do these things that keep us safe (obedience).
Mr. B-rad Wilcox does a beautiful and wonderful job describing His grace. Check it out here:
See his full address here ( I WATCHED THIS ONE AND LOVED IT!! IT MUST SEE—I HIGHLY RECOMMEND!!!!!) =]]
Comment below:)
However, I was wrong. What I learned was this: that Christ does not make up a certain percentile (is that a word?)—He makes up the difference, the whole difference. The whole entire difference.
And that is where the question is asked, "Well if He has already done everything, then what do I have to do?
Good question. What do we have to do?
Well in his BYU address, Mr. Brad Wilcox states that while yes, Christ does make up the difference, we still must do our part ("For it is by grace that we are saved after all we can do"—I don't know the ref. guys. I'll be sure to find it later though. 2 Nephi..28:??....) ;)
"Christ asks us to show faith in Him, repent, make and keep covenants, receive the Holy Ghost, and endure to the end. By complying, we are not paying the demands of justice—not even the smallest part. Instead, we are showing appreciation for what Jesus Christ did by using it to live a life like His.
Justice requires immediate perfection or a punishment when we fall short. Because Jesus took that punishment, He can offer us the chance for ultimate perfection (see Matthew 5:48; 3 Nephi 12:48) and help us reach that goal. He can forgive what justice never could, and He can turn to us now with His own set of requirements (see 3 Nephi 28:35)."
To show appreciation and to show that we will live and lead a life patterned after His is why we are asked to do these things that keep us safe (obedience).
Mr. B-rad Wilcox does a beautiful and wonderful job describing His grace. Check it out here:
See his full address here ( I WATCHED THIS ONE AND LOVED IT!! IT MUST SEE—I HIGHLY RECOMMEND!!!!!) =]]
Comment below:)
Monday, December 1, 2014
No Return
Yesterday, my visiting teachers gave me a gift. They are both so wonderful (I love you girls!;])
Along with some notes, chocolate, candy canes, and a candle, Alyssa gave me a talk written by Dieter F. Uchtdorf titled "Point of Safe Return."
It was such a beautiful message of hope.
The Gospel brings so much peace to my heart and soul. I love it so much and I am so happy when I am closer to Father.
Recently I have learned how much I need the Atonement in my life. I think it is so easy to feel so broken at times—that we are not adding or measuring up to others' high standards, thus taking the blame upon ourselves.
The main thing I learned is the hope that the Atonement of Jesus Christ provides for us all—for me. It's kinda hard to grasp the fact that Someone is there waiting to accept you as you are—with open arms—willing and ready to help you change...And all you have to do is ask.
There are so many lies from the adversary that we cannot change or return to Father,..that we have gone too far..that the Atonement "is not for me," but rather for those who have made or committed "serious sins."
Sometimes the hardest and most difficult thing to do is ask for help, but when our focus is on Christ, and we have Godly sorrow, thing become more bearable.
I love this Gospel so so much and want to always live in a way to be worthy to Have His Spirit with me at all times.
Until next time,
with much love JT
Along with some notes, chocolate, candy canes, and a candle, Alyssa gave me a talk written by Dieter F. Uchtdorf titled "Point of Safe Return."
It was such a beautiful message of hope.
The Gospel brings so much peace to my heart and soul. I love it so much and I am so happy when I am closer to Father.
Recently I have learned how much I need the Atonement in my life. I think it is so easy to feel so broken at times—that we are not adding or measuring up to others' high standards, thus taking the blame upon ourselves.
The main thing I learned is the hope that the Atonement of Jesus Christ provides for us all—for me. It's kinda hard to grasp the fact that Someone is there waiting to accept you as you are—with open arms—willing and ready to help you change...And all you have to do is ask.
There are so many lies from the adversary that we cannot change or return to Father,..that we have gone too far..that the Atonement "is not for me," but rather for those who have made or committed "serious sins."
Sometimes the hardest and most difficult thing to do is ask for help, but when our focus is on Christ, and we have Godly sorrow, thing become more bearable.
I love this Gospel so so much and want to always live in a way to be worthy to Have His Spirit with me at all times.
Until next time,
with much love JT
Sunday, November 30, 2014
Where have I been?
Hello Friends!!
For those of you who read my blog, you have probably noticed it has been a while...
But! No need to fear. I will now start posting every Monday.
(So this is the post for December 1).
So what have I been up to?
Dropping out of school (temporarily, of course) so I can get on my feet, pay some bills, and hopefully maybe even start a business.
Not sure yet though. We will see.
In the meantime! December brings business and business, and MORE business. I have chosen to focus more on Christ this winter season. For the month of December, in order to draw in closer to Christ I will be studying talks on the Atonement of Jesus Christ. (I will also be doing this for other personal reasons).
My challenge is to study from a different source (General Conference addresses, Ensign magazine, different books of Scripture, etc.) each day, however a slower (and there is nothing wrong with being slow) method would be to study from one General Conference address or one Scripture chapter a week.
I am really excited to get to know my Savior more!! I love learning so this makes me very happy!! =D
And the best part is: When we learn to know someone better, our faith, our trust, our belief in that person tends to grow.
And my faith in the Atonement of Jesus Christ will be growing on a daily basis—and that is just one more thing that money can't buy this Christmas season.
For those of you who read my blog, you have probably noticed it has been a while...
But! No need to fear. I will now start posting every Monday.
(So this is the post for December 1).
So what have I been up to?
Dropping out of school (temporarily, of course) so I can get on my feet, pay some bills, and hopefully maybe even start a business.
Not sure yet though. We will see.
In the meantime! December brings business and business, and MORE business. I have chosen to focus more on Christ this winter season. For the month of December, in order to draw in closer to Christ I will be studying talks on the Atonement of Jesus Christ. (I will also be doing this for other personal reasons).
My challenge is to study from a different source (General Conference addresses, Ensign magazine, different books of Scripture, etc.) each day, however a slower (and there is nothing wrong with being slow) method would be to study from one General Conference address or one Scripture chapter a week.
I am really excited to get to know my Savior more!! I love learning so this makes me very happy!! =D
And the best part is: When we learn to know someone better, our faith, our trust, our belief in that person tends to grow.
And my faith in the Atonement of Jesus Christ will be growing on a daily basis—and that is just one more thing that money can't buy this Christmas season.
Monday, November 3, 2014
Depression~You Are NOT Alone
I have thought quite a bit about depression this week—scratch that, I have thought a TON about depression this week.
I thought about the symptoms.
I thought about the "cures."
I thought about the pain.
What weighed heavily though, was the cause—the WHY.
Depression hits and hurts many different kinds of people, young and old.
When one is depressed, it is so so easy to feel alone.
To feel no one cares.
That you are all by yourself.
Depression hurts, but there is a hope (however hard that may seem to some). For when depressed, it is easy to give up hope.
Hope heals.
Hope gives motivation.
Hope gives new meaning to life.
I'm rambling. ..
This week I was feeling down, so I checked out a video the Holy Ghost kept bringing to my remembrance. "Like a Broken Vessel," by Jeffrey R. Holland. I watched it, and I watched it three times. And with each new viewing of it, I gathered more information, and it had new meaning.
Talk: https://www.lds.org/general-conference/2013/10/like-a-broken-vessel?lang=eng
Video: https://www.lds.org/general-conference/2013/10/like-a-broken-vessel?lang=eng#watch=video
Mormon Message with Highlights:
So a couple days after listening to it, I began wondering, why do we go through hard things—especially after doing the right thing?
I reflected on my own life. How when I did the right thing, and suffered. I would ask, Now why did I have to go through that, again? I did the right thing, and I did not doubt my decision—because of my obedience.
Doctrine and Covenants says:
"I, the Lord, am bound when ye do what I say; but when ye do not what I say, ye have no promise."
(DC 82:10) -Yay Scripture Mastery! ;) <33
"And Samuel said, Hath the Lord as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as in obeying the voice of the Lord? Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, and to hearken than the fat of rams."
(1 Sam. 15:22)
My faith in my obedience has held firm this long time, and confirmation has come into my mind—and I have begun to understand the meaning behind some of my trials.
1) They prepared me for callings and to accept callings in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
2) They helped me to better serve and love people.
And Third...(and probably most importantly)...
3) They Brought me to Christ.
While these are not all of the "why's" or reasons to my many questions, it is sufficient. It is sufficient because His grace is sufficient.
Ether 12:27 says:
And if men come unto me I will show unto them their weakness. I give unto men weakness that they may be humble; and my grace is sufficient for all men that humble themselves before me; for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make weak things become strong unto them."
A few weeks back, I went to speak with a councilor; and as I did so, I could not help but think, "What in the WORLD am I DOING."...
"If I go to speak with them, then they will know all of my problems." (no duh)
"I will not have any secrets to keep to myself anymore."
"No one needs to know all of my problems and stresses and issues I have..."
And so on and so forth; you get the picture.
I don't like telling people my so called problems and stresses if you could not already tell.
So I walked in, and became an open book.
As I was waiting around walking around inside, someone came around the corner, and told me of the counseling services offered—and the prices (YIKES). However, I was not discouraged, because I was informed about the free (FREE: One of the sweetest words to any college students' ears) 30-minute sessions offered.
Being as stressed as I was, I set up the appointment that day, to meet in only a matter of hours.
So upon meeting, and after dumping all of my problems on this person, I had quite a few free pointers to overcoming stress among many things given to me.
Here's a few and then some:
1) Give yourself time to grieve (depending on what you are going through).
2) Find a coping mechanism and stick with it.
3) Focus on the right here right now in this moment (instead of worrying about the future).
4) Clear the mind by going for a walk.
(I also started using magic—I mean a stress ball..pretty much the same thing though, right? RIGHT!
There are so SO many different avenues I wanted to talk—write—about for this blog..but this will suffice for now:)
In the meantime, check out what this strong and powerful woman has to say about depression:
Way to go Meghan for seeking help.
In closing, I wanted to say that reaching out for help was one of the best things I could have done for myself at that time. Reaching and searching for help is so humbling. Something I learned at Institute this past week is this: That when we seek help from the Savior (whether directly or indirectly through the help of other people) it demonstrates our faith in Christ as we actively use the Atonement in our lives. Not asking and seeking for help is denying the Atonement of Christ. Asking for help in any circumstance is difficult, but not un-doable
Giving my load to someone else (even partially) and having someone to listen to me —who did not even know me personally—which lead to an unbiased opinion—which added comfort on my part—was one of my BEST decisions that I am proud to say I have made.
And Here's Why:
Because it was through helping myself that allowed me to help other people.
Go out there TODAY and help someone—make their day better by helping that someone who is so very important—YOU.
Help yourself first.
You have so much worth and potential.
I believe in you.
You are worth it.
Go out there and make "tomorrow" TODAY.
Until next next time friends of great worth and infinite potential,
Jaléh Tammehr
♪♫♪Make It A Great Day♪♫♪...Because You. Can. Do IT.
<3 <3 <3 <3
I thought about the symptoms.
I thought about the "cures."
I thought about the pain.
What weighed heavily though, was the cause—the WHY.
Depression hits and hurts many different kinds of people, young and old.
When one is depressed, it is so so easy to feel alone.
To feel no one cares.
That you are all by yourself.
Depression hurts, but there is a hope (however hard that may seem to some). For when depressed, it is easy to give up hope.
Hope heals.
Hope gives motivation.
Hope gives new meaning to life.
I'm rambling. ..
This week I was feeling down, so I checked out a video the Holy Ghost kept bringing to my remembrance. "Like a Broken Vessel," by Jeffrey R. Holland. I watched it, and I watched it three times. And with each new viewing of it, I gathered more information, and it had new meaning.
Talk: https://www.lds.org/general-conference/2013/10/like-a-broken-vessel?lang=eng
Video: https://www.lds.org/general-conference/2013/10/like-a-broken-vessel?lang=eng#watch=video
Mormon Message with Highlights:
I reflected on my own life. How when I did the right thing, and suffered. I would ask, Now why did I have to go through that, again? I did the right thing, and I did not doubt my decision—because of my obedience.
Doctrine and Covenants says:
"I, the Lord, am bound when ye do what I say; but when ye do not what I say, ye have no promise."
(DC 82:10) -Yay Scripture Mastery! ;) <33
"And Samuel said, Hath the Lord as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as in obeying the voice of the Lord? Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, and to hearken than the fat of rams."
(1 Sam. 15:22)
My faith in my obedience has held firm this long time, and confirmation has come into my mind—and I have begun to understand the meaning behind some of my trials.
1) They prepared me for callings and to accept callings in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
2) They helped me to better serve and love people.
And Third...(and probably most importantly)...
3) They Brought me to Christ.
While these are not all of the "why's" or reasons to my many questions, it is sufficient. It is sufficient because His grace is sufficient.
Ether 12:27 says:
And if men come unto me I will show unto them their weakness. I give unto men weakness that they may be humble; and my grace is sufficient for all men that humble themselves before me; for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make weak things become strong unto them."
A few weeks back, I went to speak with a councilor; and as I did so, I could not help but think, "What in the WORLD am I DOING."...
"If I go to speak with them, then they will know all of my problems." (no duh)
"I will not have any secrets to keep to myself anymore."
"No one needs to know all of my problems and stresses and issues I have..."
And so on and so forth; you get the picture.
I don't like telling people my so called problems and stresses if you could not already tell.
So I walked in, and became an open book.
As I was waiting around walking around inside, someone came around the corner, and told me of the counseling services offered—and the prices (YIKES). However, I was not discouraged, because I was informed about the free (FREE: One of the sweetest words to any college students' ears) 30-minute sessions offered.
Being as stressed as I was, I set up the appointment that day, to meet in only a matter of hours.
So upon meeting, and after dumping all of my problems on this person, I had quite a few free pointers to overcoming stress among many things given to me.
Here's a few and then some:
1) Give yourself time to grieve (depending on what you are going through).
2) Find a coping mechanism and stick with it.
3) Focus on the right here right now in this moment (instead of worrying about the future).
4) Clear the mind by going for a walk.
(I also started using magic—I mean a stress ball..pretty much the same thing though, right? RIGHT!
There are so SO many different avenues I wanted to talk—write—about for this blog..but this will suffice for now:)
In the meantime, check out what this strong and powerful woman has to say about depression:
In closing, I wanted to say that reaching out for help was one of the best things I could have done for myself at that time. Reaching and searching for help is so humbling. Something I learned at Institute this past week is this: That when we seek help from the Savior (whether directly or indirectly through the help of other people) it demonstrates our faith in Christ as we actively use the Atonement in our lives. Not asking and seeking for help is denying the Atonement of Christ. Asking for help in any circumstance is difficult, but not un-doable
Giving my load to someone else (even partially) and having someone to listen to me —who did not even know me personally—which lead to an unbiased opinion—which added comfort on my part—was one of my BEST decisions that I am proud to say I have made.
And Here's Why:
Because it was through helping myself that allowed me to help other people.
Go out there TODAY and help someone—make their day better by helping that someone who is so very important—YOU.
Help yourself first.
You have so much worth and potential.
I believe in you.
You are worth it.
Go out there and make "tomorrow" TODAY.
Until next next time friends of great worth and infinite potential,
Jaléh Tammehr
♪♫♪Make It A Great Day♪♫♪...Because You. Can. Do IT.
<3 <3 <3 <3
Mary Kay—THE "WHY"
I've thought quite a bit about my future as of late—but I will save that for another time.
Today I want to talk (write) about something that is always on my mind.
Mary Kay.
Why do I do Mary Kay?—I mean really. Is it for extra income? The car? The discount?
The new friends? The trips?
While all those things sound nice, my main reason for doing Mary Kay today is different from when I first started.
I joined Mary Kay three years ago—right out of high school.
My friends thought I was crazy; my family thought I was high, no big deal, right?
When my parents saw my starter kit come in the mail they said send it back. But I couldn't. I loved Mary Kay (and still do) and would not trade my experiences and skills I've learned through Mary Kay for anything.
Maybe for some dates though...
and bananas! ;)
I really hope you guys were not thinking I was referring to these types of dates...
...or this...;)
No really though! Today!
Today I love Mary Kay because I enjoy and love every moment I can share with a woman (or man) the blessings of Mary Kay. I love enriching someone's life through my business in addition to sharing the opportunities and blessings my Mary Kay business has given to me. Continuing, I have passion for this business and sharing it with other people—ALL PEOPLE EVERYWHERE I GO! :) Truly though! If I have not offered you a Mary Kay facial yet, first let offer my apologies; and second, let me take this moment NOW to offer you a relaxing Mary Kay facial.
My rule of thumb is to give to all people everywhere who try and experience Mary Kay is to not only leave my presence happier than they were when we first encountered each other, but also to give to them all that Mary Kay has to offer.
One of my favorite parts of a facial is seeing their faces light up when they try Mary Kay—especially for the first time.
I love Mary Kay; it is my passion.
It is my "What Do You Think About When You Have Nothing to Think About."
My goal is to enrich every person I come in contact with, with this wonderful Dream Company.
Mary Kay has expanded my vision, increased my faith, and enlightened my future.
We were put on this earth to succeed, and in no means were designed "to fail at life," although sometimes we do fail.
So what are you waiting for? What are your dreams? What are your passions? What gets you going everyday?
Find that passion and SHARE IT WITH SOMEONE—for it is by sharing that we gain commitment of ourselves. And don't forget to write these things down because, "A dream not written down is just a wish."
Go out there and ROCK your own world! :)
I believe in you! ;)
No one can make possible and fulfill your dreams like you can.
So go.
...if things don't start happening,—make 'em [happen]!
mAkE iT a GrEaT dAy!!
Today I want to talk (write) about something that is always on my mind.
Mary Kay.
Why do I do Mary Kay?—I mean really. Is it for extra income? The car? The discount?
The new friends? The trips?
While all those things sound nice, my main reason for doing Mary Kay today is different from when I first started.
I joined Mary Kay three years ago—right out of high school.
My friends thought I was crazy; my family thought I was high, no big deal, right?
When my parents saw my starter kit come in the mail they said send it back. But I couldn't. I loved Mary Kay (and still do) and would not trade my experiences and skills I've learned through Mary Kay for anything.
Maybe for some dates though...
and bananas! ;)
I really hope you guys were not thinking I was referring to these types of dates...
...or this...;)
No really though! Today!
Today I love Mary Kay because I enjoy and love every moment I can share with a woman (or man) the blessings of Mary Kay. I love enriching someone's life through my business in addition to sharing the opportunities and blessings my Mary Kay business has given to me. Continuing, I have passion for this business and sharing it with other people—ALL PEOPLE EVERYWHERE I GO! :) Truly though! If I have not offered you a Mary Kay facial yet, first let offer my apologies; and second, let me take this moment NOW to offer you a relaxing Mary Kay facial.
My rule of thumb is to give to all people everywhere who try and experience Mary Kay is to not only leave my presence happier than they were when we first encountered each other, but also to give to them all that Mary Kay has to offer.
One of my favorite parts of a facial is seeing their faces light up when they try Mary Kay—especially for the first time.
I love Mary Kay; it is my passion.
It is my "What Do You Think About When You Have Nothing to Think About."
My goal is to enrich every person I come in contact with, with this wonderful Dream Company.
Mary Kay has expanded my vision, increased my faith, and enlightened my future.
We were put on this earth to succeed, and in no means were designed "to fail at life," although sometimes we do fail.
So what are you waiting for? What are your dreams? What are your passions? What gets you going everyday?
Find that passion and SHARE IT WITH SOMEONE—for it is by sharing that we gain commitment of ourselves. And don't forget to write these things down because, "A dream not written down is just a wish."
Go out there and ROCK your own world! :)
I believe in you! ;)
No one can make possible and fulfill your dreams like you can.
So go.
...if things don't start happening,—make 'em [happen]!
mAkE iT a GrEaT dAy!!
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